See What's New

Keep up with the latest happenings at LA Holiness

Our next LifeGroup series will begin this week, starting on April 30th. We will pick up our study of the book of Acts, starting from Chapter 5. The purpose is to see that, “Witnessing as an Act of Delight.” So, let's prepare to study God's word as we share life together. Please pray that God will meet each of us regularly. We will wrap up our LifeGroup on June 14th and take a break for the summer.

Click on the link below for a schedule and a list of the various LifeGroups available throughout the week. We hope you can find one that best fits your schedule. For more information, please feel free to contact any of our LifeGroup shepherds or Pastor Michael.

When: Starting April 30th and ending June 14th

Join us on Sunday, May 12th for our second annual youth Mother's Day breakfast! We'll start serving food at 8:00 am and stop serving food at 9:30am. It'll be a treat, so we hope to see you there.